May Day Challenge – May 5th

MDBC2016My friend and I got involved in the April A-Z blogging challenge and it motivated us to post 26 blogs. Now we find ourselves on April 30th worried all of that momentum will go to waste. But fear not, we came up with a great idea, the May Day Blogging Challenge. Check the previous post for details.


The Truth about the Truth

Contrary to popular belief, today is not Mexican Independence Day. Actually Cinco de Mayo is a day to commemorate the Mexican army’s unlikely victory over the French on May 5th, 1862. It’s funny, though, how people can start to believe something, which then spreads and becomes a false truth. This is similar to how we sometimes convince ourselves of things that aren’t real or hear only what we want to hear instead of the truth. I’ve been guilty of this many times. Hopefully, now that I’ve cleared up the whole Cinco de Mayo thing, it will spread to the rest of my life.